About the Business
Fencestore is a leading UK online retailer of fence panels, posts and associated garden items. With over 13 years of online trading experience and innovation behind us, our company remains firmly at the forefront of the UK garden building industry. Well over 270,000 customers from the general public through to large corporations and local authorities have and enjoyed our reliable service and our great discount prices. We have the expert knowledge to provide quality products at competitive prices.
Buy with confidence, we're a fencing specialist. Fencestore is a specialist fencing retailer, so we are able to give you a great choice of styles, sizes and construction of fence panels. We also supply gates, fixings, gravel boards etc. to allow you to fence of your garden how you want. The products that we offer come in a variety of styles and materials. For example, we retail dip treated and pressure treated items, overlapping featheredge panels as well as tongue and groove.
Location & Hours

1 South View Park